§ 1. Short title.
§ 2. Definitions.
§ 3. Grant of authority.
§ 4. Rates.
§ 5. Company liability; indemnification.
§ 6. Compliance with applicable laws and ordinances.
§ 7. Territorial area involved.
§ 8. Application to FCC.
§ 9. Operation and maintenance of system.
§ 10. Rules and regulations governing operation.
§ 11. Compliance with the cable act and the rules and regulations of federal communications commission.
§ 12. Program alteration.
§ 13. Service to local governmental occupied buildings and public schools.
§ 14. Emergency use of facilities.
§ 15. Other business activities.
§ 16. Promulgation of rules.
§ 17. Safety requirements.
§ 18. Conditions of street occupancy.
§ 19. Preferential or discriminatory practices prohibited.
§ 20. Prohibition of obscene materials, assistance to hearing impaired, and removal of facilities upon request.
§ 21. County right in franchise.
§ 22. Payment to the county.
§ 23. Records and reports.
§ 24. Term of franchise.
§ 25. Transfer of franchise.
§ 26. Severability.
§ 27. Penalties.
§ 28. Signal quality requirements; service to be provided.
§ 29. Franchise revocation.
§ 30. Notice requirements for matters affecting existing franchise.
§ 31. Amendments to this ordinance.
§ 32. Acceptance of franchise.
§ 33. Force majeure.
§ 34. Revocation of existing ordinances.

An Ordinance Granting a Nonexclusive Franchise to Tele-Media Company of the Mid-South, L.P. and Its Successors and Assigns To Operate and Maintain a Community Television System; Setting Forth Conditions Accompanying The Grant of Franchise; Providing for the County Regulation of the Community Television System; and Prescribing Penalties for the Violation of Its Provisions.

Be It Ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Cumberland County, Virginia, That

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Editor's note— Printed in this article is a cable television franchise ordinance, as adopted by the board of supervisors on August 11, 1993. Amendments to the ordinance are indicated by parenthetical history notes following amended provisions. The absence of a history note indicates that the provision remains unchanged from the original ordinance. Obvious misspellings and punctuation errors have been corrected without notation. For stylistic purposes, headings and catchlines have been made uniform and the same system of capitalization, citation to state statutes, and expression of numbers in text as appears in the Code of Ordinances has been used. Additions made for clarity are indicated by brackets.